Why does workplace diversity matter?
Diversity in the workplace refers to the diversity of the employees at a given workplace, including their sex, gender, race, and ethnicity.
Definition of workplace diversity: What is it?
Diversity in the Workplace refers to the diversity of the employees at a workplace, including their different characteristics such as race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.
A workplace with diversity is a company that has employees who have a diverse range of experiences and characteristics.
Diversity in the workplace can take many forms.
There are several different types of diversity in the workplace. The term diversity was first used to describe racial and ethnic diversity.
In recent years, however, the term “workplace diversity” has been extended to include a variety of different characteristics such as:
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Gender
- Age
- Sexual orientation
- Physical abilities and disabilities
- Religion
- Political views
- Education
- Socioeconomic Background
- Geographical orientation
- The Language of the Speaker
- Culture
- Military service
Why is diversity important in the workplace?
Diversity in the workplace is no longer a choice, but a necessity. Companies are not just displaying a banner to demonstrate their commitment to diversity.
Modern companies are able to sell their products around the globe and reach many different people. To successfully present, create, and sell products on this global market, companies need a diverse workforce.
What are the benefits of diversity in the workplace?
Companies with a diverse workforce enjoy many benefits over those without.
Diversity in the workplace is more than just a way to improve your company’s image. Diversity in the workplace has many direct and tangible benefits.
The benefits of workplace diversity are often cited in .
- Different perspectives
- Creativity increases
- Problem-solving skills are improved
- Profits Increased
- Employee engagement can be improved
- Reduce employee turnover
- Reputation management can improve the company’s reputation
- Hire better candidates
Statistics on workplace diversity
Here are two of the most frequently cited statistics about the benefits of diversity in the workplace:
- McKinsey research shows that companies with a racially or ethnically diverse workforce perform better than norms in the industry, by 35%
- A survey by Glassdoor found that 67% of job seekers said a diverse workforce was important when considering job opportunities, and 57% of employees believe their company should be more diverse.
How can you increase the diversity of your workplace?
Hiring more diverse employees is the first step to improving workplace diversity in your company.
To make this happen, you need to make the hiring process more inclusive for people of different characteristics.
You can make your hiring process more inclusive by implementing these 3 actionable advice.
- Hire from diverse talent pools Recruiting from a diverse talent pool will allow you to access a wider range of talent.
- Diversity panel interviewA more diverse recruiting team will pay more attention to diversity issues.
- Interviewers need to be trained in diversity.